Company logo of Berger Maritiem.

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Small version of the Berger Maritiem logo.

Cookie Policy

In this cookie policy, you will find our details, read about what cookies are, which cookies we and third parties use, why these cookies are used, how long we retain cookies, and how you can delete cookies.

Our Details

Berger Maritiem Sales & Service V.O.F., located at Steur 50, 3344 JJ Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, the Netherlands, can be reached at phone number +31 78 641 4525. The company is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 64888991. For more information, please visit our website at If you have any questions related to our cookie policy, you can email us at [email protected].

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files in which information is stored. These text files are placed on your computer or mobile device by us or other parties. During your next visit, we read your preferences or login information from the text file. This means you do not need to set your preferences every time, and we can make the website more user-friendly. Under the section “cookie overview,” you can see which cookies we place and what they are used for.

Please note: If you do not consent to the placing of cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website or parts of it will function properly.

Cookie Overview

Functional Cookies

We place functional cookies to ensure our website works correctly. No consent is required for placing these cookies. These are cookies that store preferences. We do not retain cookies longer than legally prescribed and strictly necessary for the execution of the purposes.

Third-Party Cookies

Although we strive to maintain a cookie-free website as much as possible, we do not have complete control over all cookies that may be placed on our website, especially those from third parties, such as our web hosting provider. Cookies placed by other parties, such as through our web hosting, fall under their own cookie policy. This policy can be changed at any time. You can find the most recent cookie policy on the respective party’s website.

You Can Also Delete Cookies

You can delete cookies via your internet browser (the program you use to view websites). How to do this depends on the internet browser. We have created a short guide for the most common internet browsers.

Google Chrome: Go to settings, click on advanced settings, click on clear browsing data, select cookies and other site data, and click on clear browsing data.

Internet Explorer: Go to settings, click on delete browsing history, select cookies and website data, and click on delete.

Safari: Go to preferences, click on privacy, click on manage website data, click on remove all or select one or more cookies and click on remove.

Mozilla Firefox: Go to the menu and choose options, select privacy, choose use custom settings for history under Firefox will, click on show cookies, click on remove all cookies, or select one or more cookies and click on remove selected.

If your internet browser is not listed or if the settings have changed in the meantime, use the help or search function of your internet browser.


We may change the information in this cookie policy without prior notice. Changes may be necessary if we modify our website or if legislation is updated. We recommend that you regularly check whether the information provided and the text of this cookie policy have changed.